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The Joy of Coloring

Just recently I have rediscovered the joy of meditative adult coloring. I've had an adult coloring book since I needed to spend a Barnes and Noble gift card in high school, but I've used it very rarely. As we go further and further into quarantine, I've had to rediscover old hobbies and pastimes, so a few weekends ago I broke out the adult coloring book. It's a mandala coloring book (which is basically geometric shapes made into a circle that was invented in Hindu and Buddhist culture), and I'd have to say that it is as meditative as the front of the book says it will be. For each coloring page, I choose three colors and repeat the colors over and over again until I finish the page. The first one I did took me approximately 5 hours total, and I've done 4-5 since then.
Being in quarantine, what's been hardest for me is having literally nothing else to think about besides COVID-19. It colors (pun intended) every one of my thoughts, since my entire life would be different had this whole thing not happened. I can't seem to escape it, but my meditative coloring does help clear my mind even for a small portion of time. I like to choose soothing colors (my most recent one is a collection of greens), and I usually just put on some good country music and go to town. If anyone is looking for a new quarantine activity, I'd highly recommend adult coloring. Here is a picture of the first one I finished in case anyone was curious what the pages look like:
